End of Tenancy Clean

End of Tenancy Clean

The end of a tenancy can feel somewhat akin to the end of an era. Out with the old and in with the new, a move can turn into more of a spring clean than you might expect. Even a short tenancy can see the build-up of knick knacks, odds and ends, and various objects that you may not even remember buying in the first place. Amongst it all a mountain of dust can also accumulate before you can so much as blink.

So, when moving home it means that a thorough cleaning is the obvious closing chapter. There are many important reasons for leaving the rented home clean and ways for you to do so.


At the beginning of a tenancy you have to put down a deposit as a security net for any potential damages that may occur over the length of your tenancy. But, this may not only be restricted to damages caused. If you leave the house or apartment you have rented in a dire state then it is very likely that the landlord will take the amount needed for cleaning out of your deposit. If it is extremely bad you may not get your deposit back at all. So, for this reason it is important that you leave the premises as clean as possible if you wish to see your deposit ever again (yes – it is as threatening as it sounds).

Good Impression

You never know what the future will bring! Years in the future you may be looking to rent a new home, or even buy, and find your old landlord on the other side of the transaction. In this situation it is important that you have left a stellar impression in order to ensure that you do not miss out because of past negligence. It may seem far reaching to plan so far ahead, but Future You will thank you for it!

Cleaning Necessities

Cleaning a whole home or apartment can seem like a daunting task. But, there are a few vital cleaning steps that you can take to make the best last impression:

  • Do the cleaning once your possessions are out of the home so you don’t have to work around them.
  • Clean and degrease kitchen items, such as the oven, stovetop, refrigerator (and freezer), microwave and dishwasher if there is one.
  • Wipe down all counters in the kitchen, but also the walls if there have been food splashes.
  • Empty all kitchen cupboards.
  • Vacuum thoroughly – consider having the carpets professionally cleaned for a complete clean.
  • Clean mirrors and windows, ensuring that there are no streaks.
  • Discard all rubbish – don’t leave anything behind or you may be charged for it’s removal!

But, you don’t have to do the end of tenancy cleaning by yourself. Moving is stressful, which is why we here at Sky Cleaning London offer this service to help make the move as smooth as possible. If you require an end of tenancy clean up then don’t hesitate to call us on 020 71 3317 or fill in our online contact form